Home Apgujeong Student Life

Art & Music

Our art and music programs are run under the guidance of well-experienced teachers and leaders who actively engage in their respective fields. Many of them play integral roles in coordinating annual school events like the Winter Festival and Spring Concert.

We highly encourage all students to get involved in one of our programs as it brings tremendous value not just for developing individual artistic skills but also for fostering school spirit and pride.

Our programs allow students to celebrate their talents as one school body and share their creativity with the wider community.

  • Art

    In the art club, students can hone their drawing skills and express their creativity through various mediums.

    The club aims to foster individuality and boost self-esteem through artistic achievements. Members practice drawing with a variety of materials, creating designs, animals, scenery, and other unique pieces.

    Students of all levels are welcome to join and explore their artistic talents in a supportive and collaborative environment.

  • Music Ensemble

    Music ensemble is an engaging and exciting club that allows students to explore a wide range of musical styles and instruments.

    Students work collaboratively to learn and perform a variety of songs, spanning from classical to contemporary, with the freedom to add their own unique style to the music. Along with developing their musical skills, students build important teamwork skills and gain confidence in their abilities.

    Whether they are seasoned players or beginners, students in music ensemble are given the chance to discover their musical talents. Through this club, students have the opportunity to showcase their skills and create unforgettable memories with their peers at the school's annual Winter Festival and Spring Concert.

  • Choir

    Choir is a wonderful platform for students to develop and showcase their vocal talents. Through choir, students will explore a diverse range of musical genres that include contemporary, classical, and traditional pieces.

    In addition to fostering a love for music and creating harmonious melodies, students will also gain important life skills like teamwork, self-discipline, stage etiquette, proper posture, voice projection, presentation skills, and self-confidence.

    Whether students have prior experience or are just starting out, choir provides them with opportunities to improve and develop their skills. In addition, they will have the chance to showcase their talents by performing at the school's Winter Festival and Spring Concert, creating memorable experiences with their fellow choir members.

  • Nanta

    Nanta is an exciting club that explores the art of percussion-based performances. Students learn to create music with drums and develop their sense of rhythm and coordination. This high-energy activity is perfect for students who want to learn something new, have fun, and improve their physical skills.

    Along the way, they will gain valuable experience working in a team and collaborating creatively with their peers. Students in Nanta also have the opportunity to showcase their skills at school events and performances, including the annual Winter Festival and Spring Concert.